Sunday, September 6, 2009

"mama you should've seen me today.." passion.

My head is spinning, my heart is aching, yet the words are softly hidden.

Tonight, I came across something truly inspiring and beautiful.

Passion on Youtube updated with a video dedicated to a school for the deaf and blind in West Africa.

In the little tribute "more info" section, Jeremy talked about something so important in our lives today, and something I will always remember.

The children and familes there in Ghana don't have much like we do. They lack the right medicine and healthcare, they lack food and many everyday needs we have granted to us so easily. And as heartbreaking as it may seem, they have one thing that many of our society don't. The joy deep inside their hearts, desperately holding on as the last straw.

"a joy inside that isn't fueled by materialism or anything of that sort."

It's evident, their faith in God is what keeps them strong. Their bare minimal of survival needs is the key to their faith and love.

I will forever be grateful for what they've taught me through their living and their lives. I wanna go back to Ghana one day and learn more and help more and put my faith in action. God is doing great things in the lives of people there!"

In the lyrics, Jeremy expressed his emotions with tears when a blind girl touched his hair and smiled. The tears rushed down, and call me emotional, cry baby whatever, but the painful hope and joy that is expressed in the song is amazing. He keeps a photograph of David, his little brother who suffers from meningitis meaning he can't walk, talk or speak like the rest of us. And this photo gives him the hope and makes him understand;

You've held them in Your hands all this time
All i can sing is

Da Na Si Da Na a si
Da unya me na si (it means Thank Him, Thank the Lord)"

non posso far altro che pregare.

Something to keep on your mind :), I think this will be on my mind for a few weeks.


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